Donald Joseph Qualls - better known as DJ Qualls - is a model, actor, and producer from America. Alongside being a part of his Road Trip role, he also appeared in The New Guy Hustle & Flow in addition to The Core. He has also appeared in more than 22 television series like Breaking Bad Supernatural Scrubs Lost Law & Order and others. Qualls has survived Hodgkin's lymphoma. The first time he was diagnosed at the age of 14 old. The cancer returned to remission 2 years after the diagnosis. Being treated at such a young time had negative effects on the body. It hampered his development. The financial security was his first goal once he got started, as he'd seen poverty throughout his entire childhood. He said, "I've been living so in a state of financial sanity for so long that I'm in need of financial security otherwise the world will feel out-of-control for me." The man also thinks back on his youth and hopes to do something about the issue of the bullying. Cruelty breaks my heart DJ claims. DJ's dream role would be to become a father on reel, as well as in actual life. He admits that Directors do not cast me in those roles. He hopes to become father to children.
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